Final Day Fun!

One more day before the new shop opens! It almost feels like the very first time I opened a shop to sell my rosaries. I remember those days -- I didn't have a digital camera, so I put the pieces on a scanner bed and scanned them. So sad.

In any case, now I'm a bit better at taking pictures... and I've found this great site to optimize them for web viewing. Appropriately, the site is called WebResizer.

Why do you need to optimize your pictures? Well, have you ever tried to take a look at picture and it took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to load? That's because it was sized for normal viewing. WebResizer takes that normal picture and shrinks it down so it takes a little time to load, without messing up the quality of the picture. At least that's what I get from it. With this site, you can adjust too -- especially if you don't have a program like PhotoShop or Picnik or something like that. And -- here's the best part -- it's absolutely free!

Anyway, off I go to finish dusting off the virtual shelves and straightening the virtual signs. Wish me tons of luck!
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