It don't come easy...

So, the Etsy Shop greenfamilytree is going to be closed for longer than expected. Let's just say that MJ (God rest his poor soul) wasn't the only one with past-due bills.

Until I can straighten it out properly, you all can come over and shop at ArtFire. GFT will be still closed until July 15, but the Jewelry and Fiction shops are wide open and waiting for customers.

The fact that I haven't made any sales @ ArtFire hasn't deterred me yet -- I still am liking the monthly fee, as opposed to 20 cents a pop. The only down-side is that you cannot re-new items (not that I've discovered yet). But, for me, it's just like a hosting site -- you get space, and you pay once a month and that's that. Well, you also pay a tiny selling fee, but really, Etsy can add up if you're not careful! (see first paragraph if you don't believe me).

I'll be heavily promoting the ArtFire shops for now. HOWEVER, I will still remain an Etsy shopper, because I can't really turn my back on the place that gave me such success over the past couple of years.

So, now for the Artisan's of the day:

Esty Artisan of the Day

If she calls this an "oops!", I can't wait to see the good ones! I just wish I had the patience to crochet like this -- my stuff tends to look like my daughter made it. Go check the rest of leahstreasures out...

ArtFire Artisan of the Day

QwertyO was one of my first customers at the Etsy shop, if not my FIRST customer! I had no idea she had a shop over at ArtFire and I'm glad I found her! I love the way her produce bags look! *waves*

1000 Markets Artisan of the Day

This pendant and card are simply beautiful. Like it says, I really have no other words, other than go and visit gpdesignsart and her other offerings.

New Look...

What do you think? Comments welcome!

I'm doing some shameless self-promotion...

Because no one is going to do it for me, right? The jewelry shop needs some loving. In case you haven't heard the history of GFT Designs, allow me:

I have a HUMONGOUS supply of glass beads and finding in my possession. Rather than doing the Great DeStash, I've decided to create beautiful pieces. Because these beads have been paid for several times over, I can offer these beautiful pieces at real LOW prices. As soon as the last of my old inventory is gone, a new inventory will be started -- this time with semi-precious and precious metals and stones.

The quality of these pieces is high, but I believe in this economy you don't have to spend all you have to have some bling.

This little beauty is named The Black Sea. She a beautiful little 7" bracelet, made of Montana Blue (IMO one of the best colors I've seen) and silver findings. The cool part? It's only $11.69 @ ArtFire.

Pretty garnet Swarovski crystals... I had a metric ton of them. No, not really, just a complete set of birthstones. I've made a series of earrings with these beads, and this is just an example. Only $9.89

Last but not least...

Her name is Stormy Weather. She is created from hematite, amethyst Czech beads and silver finish metal. It's a nice substantial necklace. $32.39

Tomorrow, more Artisans of the Day!

Artisans of the Day

I haven't forgotten: Here I am with my Artisans of the Day

Etsy Artisan of the Day

This is a beautiful work of art from one of my favorite shops! Here's a bit of a quote from her shop on this Vintage Japanese Kimono:
"Kurotomesode are the most formal kimono worn by married women. You'd see this sort of thing on the mother of the bride at a wedding, for example. In the US they are very popular for interior decor and I've seen several hung on the walls of Asian- or Japanese-themed spas here on the west coast. It would also make a great costume for Halloween or for any formal event where you'd like to make a statement."

ArtFire Artisan of the Day

Anyone who knows me knows I have this thing for Swarovski Crystals. There is nothing like the glisten of a Swarovski. And these are gorgeous mocha colored Swarovski round crystals... just added this artisan to my hotlist so that when I'm ready I can shop to my heart's content!

1000 Markets Artisan of the Day

I SO want to learn how to do coptic binding! I just need the time to sit there are stare at the YouTube tutorials for it -- then watch out!

Until then, this is a beautiful, bright bold journal! And there is that yellow color that I used to dislike until recently.

This artisan has more beauties too... go check them out!

Okay, off to bed, all! Later!

Back to the Drawing Board!

So, as promised, GreenFamilyTree @ Etsy and Artfire have been closed down while I get my act together. I'm going to take this as a learning process and when they return, the customer service experience will be better than ever! That is, if they both return. I'm having an Etsy bill experience that is less than stellar, so that shop may be in lockdown for a while. My advice? Careful with the re-newing. It is dangerous. Everyone says renewing is the way to go, to get your shop seen and out there, but at 20 cents a pop, it can add up. Also? If you're bad with finances, find a friend/relative/poor schlub who is good at it to help you out. I've FINALLY convinced my husband (who has the accounting experience) to lend a hand, so when I return, things will run much smoother than before.

So, what will you see when GreenFamilyTree comes back? What you expect. Great products, wonderful customer service, a fulfillment department that is second to none. You'll see the laundry products come back first, with new scents and a more reasonable size. Then, by September, the cleaning products will make a comeback -- with more choices. Following that, in December, Auntie Yvie and Brother G will be back in style. Then by February 2010, a great new surprise will be waiting for you all.

Until July 15, go and visit my jewelry shops, GFTDesigns @ Artfire and Etsy. I've got some lovelies there that I think you'll enjoy!

Oh, and for those looking for the book, check out GFT Publications. It's going to have it's own little home.

I'll be posting the Artisans of the Day still, so keep a look out for those! Gotta keep giving props to my fellow artisans!

I'm so easily amused...

I got my Mason(tm)jars! I had to travel a bit, but I finally found a place that sells them. Of course this is only AFTER I ended up packaging on my current orders in alternative packaging... sorry, folks!

Well, on a serious business note, I've found a partner who is going to help me out on the fulfillment side of the biz. The one thing that has been a thorn in my forehead since I opened up is going to become much easier. Problem was, I wasn't getting much support on the home front and with one crazy toddler and one crazier teenager, getting things packaged and sent out was a full-time job on its own. Thanks God I have good friends. Now I have a person who is going to help with the packaging and shipping portion, which will ALSO give my sendings a wonderful consistency which should punch up my reputation quite a few notches. Go me. Now I can concentrate on creating an even more wonderful product. My next goal? Finding an angel investor... what, I can dream, right?

So, today is the last day of the Etsy YART Sale -- of which both of my shops were participants. Today is the last day to wander on over there and get a gander of the goodies I've got to offer. Especially the soaps -- because the soap line is getting discontinued for a little while, until I can get my bank account a little more healthier. Besides, I'm falling in love with the creation of the household cleaners again!

So, yes, I've been remiss. I haven't posted an Artisan of the Day for some time, so I'm here you go!

Artisans of the Day

This seller has been a great help to me from a business perspective ever since I stumbled across her shop. I have to give her mad props for her product line.
Princess Bride Shaving Soap from Savor

Seriously? If you are into this kind of thing (and I am), this is gorgeous! Let's give magpiesmasquerie her first sales so we can see more beauties like this Venetian Knight.

Artisan of the Day

Oh, yeah. Did I even know that Crafter's Soap existed? I love the idea! Props to EvermoreSoap for the idea -- and the cool avatar!

Yes, it's a syrup cozy... why do you ask? I figure if you love your syrup like ASecondChance apparently does, why not?

Artisans of the Day

Girl Cooties Alert! Guys go elsewhere... watch SpikeTV or something if the following will traumatize you.

Ladies, you know what ProCraftination is taking about. First time I've found these babies, and I can be certain they will be in my shopping cart soon. Because yes.

Need a gentle memory of your college days? MoJo has it for you right here. Can you imagine that baccalaurate pulling this change purse out of bag? I love it.

Okay, till later folks! I'm off to worship at the alter of Shaw's Grocers for giving me back my mason jars!

I Yarted...

One last hurrah before the downsizing of GreenFamilyTree. Everything is still 15% off over here -- and I'm throwing in FREE international Shipping!

And at GFT Designs -- you'll get your 3rd item free for every 2 you buy! Great time to stock up on some fun jewelry!

Here are a few other Etsian's participating in the YART sale!

I couldn't resist this one...
Mamma's Nasty Spinach ACEO Collage from JustaLittleBit

Beautiful Bright Colors, perfect for any season!

Rebecca Handbag in Red and Orange Cotton Floral from DeborahLeighDesigns

and for those big spenders...

This is breathtaking! If you are getting married and want something totally unique, check this beauty out!
Custom Wedding Set -- Necklace and Cufflinks from EchodAmour

Good luck to everyone else participating in the YART sale! Feel free to comment if you're participating!

Till later all!

Mason/Ball Company... Seriously?

I swear I can't win for losing... Good ole Wally-world finally started carrying Mason(tm) jars a few weeks ago, and I jumped for joy! I hated riding all over central MA looking for the things, so I determined as soon as I got paid, I would stock up, so I could happily fulfill my orders for the 12/24 Load package of Laundry Powder. (No links today; you see why when you read further)

So I get paid, and roll into the store and guess what? They've decided to re-vamp the household section and no Mason Jars to be found. I check at the local Stop N Shop... they've carried the things too -- no dice.

So I went online to buckle down and purchase the silly things from the Mason/Ball company. The jars are $8.49. Not bad. The shipping is $12.01.


So, I guess it's off to Shrewsbury to find my jars, so my customers can get their laundry powder.

Speaking of laundry powder, I've made an executive decision, a la GM. I'm going to pare down the shop to only the Grandma Helen and the Abuelita Lidia line. The other parts haven't been as profitable as the household cleaners, so I'm going back to the original idea of concentrating on these things to be able to deliver the most quality product. What you'll find at GreenFamilyTree after the 15 will be:

Grandma Helen's Laundry Products - Powder, Freshener, Powerhouse Sachets
Abuelita Lidia's Cleaning Products - Cleaners, Eco-Friendly cloths, cleaning sets, etc.

As much as I like soaping, it's not profitable right now. When I get more profitable and organized, I'll bring it back.

The Defender's Burden? I think it's more effective to keep my shops at one concentration. I may shop at Wally-World, but I don't want to look like Wally-world. And that's no dig at the shops who carry a multitude of items. If you can do it without going crazy, you have my undying admiration. I can't. So GFTPublications will be open by July 1. Wish me luck. Again.

Since I've been babbling forever; I'll post my Artisans of the Day in a later post.

You guys have a great day!

Whistle While You Work #879798339

Busy day today, thank goodness! I've got some packing and shipping to do -- and not at my day job either. Then, it's off to Movie Night with the son tonight after work. I think we're seeing Angels and Demons this week. I know, there are folk who are all in an uproar about this movie, but I think it's an interesting story with one thing that always fascinates me -- puzzles.

Today, I posted three new pieces, of of which is pictured to over there. I promised to offer jewelry for all spiritual beliefs, and here it goes. I created this piece during my first year as a jewelry crafter, and it is one of my favorites -- I hope it finds a good home!

Want to see what my fellow artisans are up to? Thought you'd never ask!

Artisan of the Day

This piece has a ton of character and is wonderfully crafted! If my knew for a fact that my daughter wouldn't try to bonk her brother on the head with it, I'd snap it up first thing, so now's your chance.
Celtic Knot Slate Tile from OakGrove

Artisan of the Day

Does Dad need to refresh his pimp hand? I think this ring might just do the trick!
It's sterling silver with dinosaur bone and inlaid black onyx and it's from HilemanSilverJewelry

Artisan of the Day

Now this is some great packaging! There's enough goodies in here to get lost in the bathtub for a month! And that's just okay with me!
Deluxe Personal Care Gift Set from Mill Creek Valley Farm

Well, off to devour some pizza with the Tiny Dancer! Have a great weekend!

Smile for the Camera!

Two new items over at GFT Designs @ Etsy.
Anyone who is a lover of deep blue will adore Avalon. I had a set of three of these briolettes two of which you'll see in my Sleeping Beauty Earrings, and this pendant sized stone kept getting misplaced over the past year. I would lose it and it would appear again, a few weeks later in the oddest places. Once, I even found it behind the microwave!

If you love the stories of Valdemar, you'll understand why I call these the Monarch's Own. These pretties are part of the hoop series of earrings I've been creating, coupling tiny little Swarovski crystal and sterling silver. There will be more coming soon, in all kinds of colors.

Now for my Artisans of the Day:

Artisan of the Day

For those of you who like to shower in the dark, I just have to show you this great glow in the dark soap from dugsshop.

Artisan of the Day

This is what I aspire to. This is a gorgeous aventurine pendant from imperialdesignsjewelry. One day, folks, one day...

Artisan of the Day

The theme of the day is green, in case you haven't notice, and this is a perfect example of "green". This Tuscan Art gold ring by GreenORO is created out of 100% post consumer recycled gold. I love the delicate detail of this ring, and if I had the money laying around, I might make sure my husband never, ever forgot this Father's Day.

Okay, everyone go get to shopping or browsing ,and have a great day!

Aren't I just "Chatty Cathy" today?

1000 Markets isn't moving as fast as I would like (simply because I'm an impatient so and so), so I've opened yet ANOTHER shop on Etsy. This time, I believe I've got it right (yeah, I know, next thing you know I'll be calling myself General Motors).

GFT Designs (same name as the 1KM store) is officially open & I'm having a 10% off Grand Opening Sale.

And finally, finally, finally, I've got my "fulfillment department" all set -- orders are ready to be packed and shipped by Friday. Please, Lord, I'm begging you now...

I'll be posting my Artisans of the Day Later, because I'm sure that at least half the world is asleep right now & who is going to see them now?

For those of you who are preparing for the Father's Day rush, I just learned one interesting thing: June 21 is Father's Day in the US, UK & Canada. It's September 6 in Australia & New Zealand. This great site will give you the dates for all kinds of Father's Day Celebrations around the world. Knock that around those creative heads of yours for some real cool promotional ideas!

So, onto some way off business topic ruminations (you can stop reading if you don't wish to be bummed out) This is for you:

I have to make mention of the plane disappearance that happen on June 1. I've been trying to keep track of this all day for any new news. My thoughts and prayers do go out to the family members and for the victims of this terrible event. If this plane has crashed into the Atlantic as all reports indicate, I certainly hope they can find it and bring closure to the families involved.

Lastly, all I have to say about GM's bankruptcy woes is... welcome to the world of normal folk, GM, where there are consequences for bad financial planning. For example; I owned one of the cars you see over there for about 3 years; I ended up giving it up for a Toyota Highlander. I spent (in car payments to that date) about $6,000... I still owed $7K when I gave it up. It was sold at auction for $1600 -- about 1/2 it's fair market value. I know I feel gyped, especially since they still want an additional $4K from me. Blood from a stone, guys, blood from a stone. BTW, for those who don't know, this is a GM Car. Or was, because they stopped making them a few years ago, and as of next year, Pontiac will no longer exist.

I hope that all of the employees that have been severanced after all these years are able to find new work that will equal what they have gotten from working at what was once the most secure job in the US. As I did some research, I realized that GM has been closed to bankruptcy at the very least three times before -- once very soon after its inception. Let's hope they learned their lessons now and can re-emerge a company that is fit for the 21st century.

Okay enough of all that bad news; forgive me, but this just makes me all giggly in a 12 year old kind of way. Even though all of the naughty bits are blurred out, this is not for the faint of heart. I wish more people could have fun with life like this guy.

Now... Go check out the new shop and wish me luck!