I'm so easily amused...

I got my Mason(tm)jars! I had to travel a bit, but I finally found a place that sells them. Of course this is only AFTER I ended up packaging on my current orders in alternative packaging... sorry, folks!

Well, on a serious business note, I've found a partner who is going to help me out on the fulfillment side of the biz. The one thing that has been a thorn in my forehead since I opened up is going to become much easier. Problem was, I wasn't getting much support on the home front and with one crazy toddler and one crazier teenager, getting things packaged and sent out was a full-time job on its own. Thanks God I have good friends. Now I have a person who is going to help with the packaging and shipping portion, which will ALSO give my sendings a wonderful consistency which should punch up my reputation quite a few notches. Go me. Now I can concentrate on creating an even more wonderful product. My next goal? Finding an angel investor... what, I can dream, right?

So, today is the last day of the Etsy YART Sale -- of which both of my shops were participants. Today is the last day to wander on over there and get a gander of the goodies I've got to offer. Especially the soaps -- because the soap line is getting discontinued for a little while, until I can get my bank account a little more healthier. Besides, I'm falling in love with the creation of the household cleaners again!

So, yes, I've been remiss. I haven't posted an Artisan of the Day for some time, so I'm here you go!

Artisans of the Day

This seller has been a great help to me from a business perspective ever since I stumbled across her shop. I have to give her mad props for her product line.
Princess Bride Shaving Soap from Savor

Seriously? If you are into this kind of thing (and I am), this is gorgeous! Let's give magpiesmasquerie her first sales so we can see more beauties like this Venetian Knight.

Artisan of the Day

Oh, yeah. Did I even know that Crafter's Soap existed? I love the idea! Props to EvermoreSoap for the idea -- and the cool avatar!

Yes, it's a syrup cozy... why do you ask? I figure if you love your syrup like ASecondChance apparently does, why not?

Artisans of the Day

Girl Cooties Alert! Guys go elsewhere... watch SpikeTV or something if the following will traumatize you.

Ladies, you know what ProCraftination is taking about. First time I've found these babies, and I can be certain they will be in my shopping cart soon. Because yes.

Need a gentle memory of your college days? MoJo has it for you right here. Can you imagine that baccalaurate pulling this change purse out of bag? I love it.

Okay, till later folks! I'm off to worship at the alter of Shaw's Grocers for giving me back my mason jars!
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