I feel like such a bad shop mommy....

Everyone knows I have an Etsy shop, because I post about it constantly. But seriously, I have a second shop as well, one that needs some more TLC from its mommy. It's so bad that I have to remember what the link is. Someone call the internets DHS!

Yes, I joined ArtFire a little over a month ago. I'm s-l-o-o-w-l-y adding items to that shop, but it's over there, waiting for visitors and customers.

So, in honor of my second home, I'm going to post an Etsian of the Day AND a ArtFire Artisan of the Day.

ArtFire Artisan of the Day

I'm sure this will be a head turner in any house. It sure grabbed my attention when I was over there in the "Earth Friendly" Category. I wish Etsy had a category like this!


And for the Etsian of the Day

I found this seller from twitter; she's one of my followers. Although I don't promote a lot on Twitter, I do check in every couple of days or so to bore those who are following me.

Anyhoot, I *wish* my photography were this clear and crisp! And these are cute little earrings! And 10% of all her/his proceeds goes to the Rock County Humane Society.

Charming Cat and Crystal Earrings by DazzledBeader
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