So I need this like I need a hole in my head...

Decided to open a shop over at 1000Markets. It's a juried site, so we'll see what they say about my shop ... hopefully they will accept it.

This shop GFT Designs is my "destash w/style" jewelry shop. What do that mean? Well, after 3 years of compiling an extensive inventory of great jewelry supplies, I want to move into more adventurous stuff -- namely semi-precious and precious jewelry. Instead of going the usual "destash" route, I'm honing my skills again and making cool jewelry that I'm selling at cool prices. Same quality as all of my pieces, but since the inventory has already been paid for and done, I'm passing on the savings to all who want to rock the bling with style.

Anywhoo, wish me luck!

So now for the Artfire Artisan of the Day:

All gamers have to love this! I love these pieces and I know good and well if I show my son, he'll pester me until I buy it!


And for the Etsian of the Day:

Whut-whut! Steam all the way! This reminds me of the times I stand in front of the washer and wing-nuts (no, not those wing-nuts) and wonder if I can create something from them. Never lose hope!

RIP-Rock Candy
by RiRiFisch
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